Christian Relationship Advice When Help is Needed

Dealing with Difficult People Audio Study Downloads

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How to access the audios:

1. Select the audio below that you would like to hear by left-clicking on the link.

2. If you would like to save the audio to your hard drive, right-click on a link and options will appear of where you would like to save it. Saving an audio to your hard drive then allows you to be able to copy it to your particular audio player such as iTunes. This gives you the capability of burning the audios onto a CD for personal or group use or downloading them to your mp3 player such as an iPod.

3. VERY IMPORTANT: Please remember to “Bookmark this Page” or “Save it to Your Favorites” in order to have unlimited access to this download page. Many people forget to take this step and “lose” the page for future access. If you do “lose” the page for any reason, you can always contact me and I will email you the page again.


How to access the study guide:

Just click on the link below and you will have instant access to your eBook study guide. Your book will open up as a pdf file. Make sure you save it to an area on your computer that you won’t forget.

Study Guide for the Audios


Thank you so much again for your purchase!

I would LOVE to receive any comments or questions you might have about this material. Please feel free to email me.

Finally, I trust that you will only use this material for your personal and/or group use. If you find that others like this product, please encourage them to purchase their own versions.

