Free 15-Day Devotional
Thank you for your interest in my 15-Day Relationship Challenge!
Sign up now to get your complimentary copy of this 15-day downloadable Christian Relationship Devotional.
Plus receive my FREE email subscription of Christian Relationship Tips and Truths!
After providing your name and email address, you will then receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Simply do this by clicking on the long link provided in the center of the email. Once you have done this, you will then receive another email directly from me that will provide you with the appropriate link to download your 15-Day Relationship Challenge.
Take a moment and look at the titles of the content you will be receiving to help you face your relationship challenges:
- Day 1: Accept Others’ Differences
- Day 2: Overlook the Little Things
- Day 3: Mind Your Own Business
- Day 4: Live and Let Live
- Day 5: Practice Courtesy
- Day 6: Accept Your Powerlessness
- Day 7: Let Go of Your Resentments
- Day 8: Know Your Limits
- Day 9: Own Your Own Choices
- Day 10: Take the Initiative
- Day 11: Let Go of Expectations
- Day 12: Make Living Amends
- Day 13: Stand Firm in Your Truth
- Day 14: Give Up People Pleasing
- Day 15: Risk Being Vulnerable
Apply these 15 transforming biblical truths and discover how changing yourself can change your relationship. You will notice a difference and others will too!

After providing your name and email address, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Simply do this by clicking on the long link provided in the center of the email. You will then receive another email directly from me that will provide you with the appropriate link to download your Relationship Challenge.
When you sign up, you will also be subscribing to my FREE email devotionals with more Christian relationship tips and truths.